(WASHINGTON, DC) - Today, the DC Department of General Services (DGS) was happy to announce that DC Public Schools (DCPS) can now sign up to participate in the 2nd Annual Sprint to Savings Energy Competition. Last year’s competition led to 24 DCPS schools succeeding in reducing their electricity consumption, with their efforts saving over 76,000 kilowatts-hours - enough to power seven American households for nearly an entire year. The Sprint to Savings Competition is a partnership between the DC Government and the US Green Building Council National Capital Region Chapter.
Langley Elementary School in Northeast, DC, won last year’s competition by reducing their energy consumption by approximately 30 percent. Powell Elementary School finished second with a reduction of 18 percent, and Anne Beers Elementary School took third place managing a 12.5 percent reduction. Anacostia High School led participating high schools with an impressive savings of over 10 percent.
“This Competition, last year, proved how DCPS Schools and DGS can work together effectively to encourage energy awareness and conservation among students and teachers. And we (DGS) look forward to increased participation of DCPS schools in this year’s competition resulting in further energy consumption reductions and savings,” said DGS Director Brian J. Hanlon.
DCPS spends over $30 million annually in energy costs with an annual carbon footprint equivalent to the impact of electricity used by 20,000 homes. Students and teachers can do a lot to reduce their school’s energy consumption while learning about energy and sustainability. The Sprint to Savings is how we get them involved and make conservation fun.
For the competition, schools compete against one another to reduce electricity use over a five-week period (compared to each school’s own baseline). Each school will have an online dashboard showing daily electricity consumption and a real time District-wide leaderboard. All DCPS schools are eligible to participate. Prizes will be awarded to schools that reduce their consumption by more than 10 percent with special recognition for the top three schools.
Step 1: Sign up. Don’t wait, sign up today!
Step 2: Form a green team. Form a “green team” of students to create and lead the conservation campaign.
Step 3: Planning and information gathering with support from DGS. Identify your school’s saving opportunities. DGS will provide on-site assistance in partnership with volunteer mentors. A dedicated group of volunteer energy experts is available to train school staff leader and teach students about energy conservation through hands-on activities such as energy audits, assemblies, and more.
Step 4: Save, Save, Save. Implement your energy conservation strategy and track your progress on our online competition leaderboard!
September 9 - October 10: Registration period
Mid-October: Orientation for staff green team leader and mentors
December 1: Competition Begins
January 4: Competition Ends
For more information, visit Sprint to Savings or contact Jamie Donovan at the DC Department of General Services.
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