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DCAM-22-CS-IFB-0007-Roofing Replacements and Upgrades at Engine Houses 4, 5, 8, 20 and 24

Last Date:

Due Date: 
Friday, July 29, 2022 - 3:30pm


The District of Columbia Department of General Services (“DGS” or “Department”) is issuing this Invitation for Bids (“IFB”) to engage a Small Business Enterprise (“SBE”) firm contractor (“Contractor”) to complete all necessary services, supervision, permits, labor, supplies, equipment, and materials for Roof Replacement and Upgrades at Engine Houses 4, 5, 8, 24 and 20 (the “Project”). The Contractor shall complete the Standard Work Requirements, as described in Section C, Specifications/Scope of Work Statement (“SOW”).

Addendum No. 1 to IFB No. DCAM-22-CS-IFB-0007

Addendum No. 2 to DCAM-22-CS-IFB-0007

Shafi Anwary