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Homeless Shelter Renovations Projects

Homeless Shelter Renovations Projects - shelter cots

Program Overview

This project includes the renovation of numerous District shelters. The scope of work includes building renovations, electrical and mechanical upgrades, as well as roof rehabilitation. Additional projects and improvements can be found at Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Shelter Renovations Projects.

Shelter Renovation Projects
  • Wayne Place Shelter Project
  • Federal City Shelter Project
  • 611 N Street, NW - New Endeavors by Women Project
  • Blair & Emery Shelters Project
  • Community of Hope - Girard Family Shelter Project
  • DC General Family Shelter Project
  • Madison Shelter Project

Wayne Place Shelter Project

Project Overview

This project included the full renovation of two three-level multi-family apartment buildings. Each building consisted of five apartment units each. The buildings required a complete redesign with additions to meet the new program specifications. The new design, with new building systems, has five units per building (2 & 3 bedrooms units mix) including ADA compliant units. All applicable building codes were met.

Project Details

Construction: Summer 2011 - Summer 2012
Status: Completed
Budget: $3,400,000.00
Project Manager: Solomon Ikotun

Federal City Shelter Renovation (Phase II) Project

Project Overview

This facility provides temporary shelter for up to 1,650 men and women, as well as a health clinic, drug rehabilitation center, emergency shelter during the winter, and also houses DC Central Kitchen, which provides 4,500 meals to the District's homeless residents every day. The original renovation of the Federal City Shelter began in 2004, to upgrade the existing facility's HVAC system, bathrooms and make other improvements. Phase II consisted of remediation of Life/Safety, ADA, and Code Deficiencies.

Project Details

Construction: Spring 2011 - Spring 2012
Status: Completed
Budget: $3,200,000.00
Project Manager: Daniel Bohnlein

611 N Street, NW - New Endeavors by Women Project

Project Overview

This project included the design and construction of a new facility for New Endeavors by Women, which runs an innovative Permanent Supportive Housing program for women. The building is now approximately 23,000 square feet, and will provide a twenty- four hour residence accommodating fifty women. The project is DC Green eligible and is tracking LEED Gold certification or higher.

Project Details

Construction: Fall  2011 - Fall 2012
Status: Completed
Budget: $9,800,000.00
Project Manager: Stephen Campbell

Homeless Shelters Renovations – 611 N Street, NW Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Why do we need this Transitional and Permanent Supportive Housing residence?

This facility contributes to the second of three key objectives in the Interagency Council on Homelessness’ Strategic Action Plan to End Homelessness: to Redesign the Continuum of Care to develop appropriate mix of services and interim and permanent housing options.

Q. Who will use this residence?

Single women who are enrolled in either the Transitional Housing or Permanent Support Housing programs of the DC Department of Human Services.

Q. What activities will take place at this residence?

New Endeavors by Women (NEW) provides housing and support for homeless women and children. We partner with women to take control of their lives to conquer homelessness. These three (3) key program goals guide our work:

  • To prepare women to achieve independent living;
  • To increase the resident’s skills and income levels; and,
  • To increase the resident’s self-determination. 

Q; Where will the residence be located?

In the heart of the Shaw Neighborhood, 611 N Street NW, Washington, DC 20001.

Q. Why was this site chosen?

New Endeavors by Women, a Service Provider addressing exactly this demographic, has been at this location – a former municipal recreation center – for more than 23 years, has established strong roots in the community, and currently inhabits a facility that increasingly is in need of ongoing upgrades and capital improvements.

Q. What is the size of the Residence?

The new residence will occupy about 23,000 gross square feet, on a site of approximately .26 acres.

Q. How much will the new residence cost?

The overall development costs - including design construction, project administration, etc., will be about $10 Million.

Q. What are some of the special features of this new building?

This residence has been designed to try to achieve LEED Gold (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). Further, it has won a DC AIA Washingtonian Award for Unbuilt Architect, 2010.

Blair & Emery Shelters Project

Project Overview

This project upgraded three existing shelters in order to bring each into compliance with all applicable regulations and fulfill the shelters’ program requirements. A comprehensive assessment of each building identified needed improvements with design work performed under one contract. Construction was bid as three separate construction projects. The Madison Shelter Component of this project was combined with the Madison Shelter ADA Compliance Project, and was completed during the Summer of 2011.

Project Details

Construction: Spring 2010 - Fall 2011
Status: Completed
Budget: $2,700,000.00
Project Manager: Solomon Ikotun

Community of Hope Shelter Renovation Project

Project Overview

This project made global upgrades to the facility, which included conducting a full condition assessment,upgrading the HVAC system and making various ADA improvements. The facility provides temporary shelter for 23 families.

Project Details

Construction: Winter 2011 - Summer 2012
Status: Completed
Budget: $2,500,000.00
Project Manager:  Marshella Wallace

Community of Hope - Girard Street Family Shelter Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. Why do we need the Girard Street Family Shelter?

Community of Hope provides hope and stability to low-income and homeless adults and children in DC. They provide a holistic range of programs - from healthcare to housing with supportive services and programs promoting strong families - helps underserved residents create stable lives for themselves and promising futures for their children. Girard Street Family Shelter provides apartment-style temporary shelter for 20 homeless families with children at a time. They served 38 families in 2009.

Q. Who will use the Girard Street Family Shelter?

Homeless women adults and children.

Q. What activities will take place at the Girard Street Family Shelter?

Girard Street Family Shelter provides apartment-style temporary shelter for 20 homeless families with children at a time. We served 38 families in 2009. Supportive services focus on helping families move quickly out of homelessness to stable housing, and include referrals to job training and mental health and substance abuse treatment. On-site life skills classes teach parenting, budgeting, and other useful skills. A family case management model assures that the needs of both parents and children are addressed.

Q. Where is the Girard Street Family Shelter located?

1413 Girard Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 (Ward 1)

Q. What is the size of the Girard Street Family Shelter?

28,085 Square Feet

Q. What is the total cost of the renovations?

$1.92 million

DC General Family Shelter Project

Project Overview

This project upgraded one existing family shelter in order to bring it into compliance with all applicable regulations and fulfills the shelter's program requirements, in conjunction with the ADA requirements for the DC General Hospital Ambulatory Care Center.

Project Details

Construction: Fall 2010 - Spring 2011
Status: Completed
Budget: $840,000.00
Project Manager: Maurice Dunn

DC General Roof Replacement at Core Building Project

Project Overview

This project replaced a roof at the core building of DC General Family Shelter in order to bring it into compliance with all applicable regulations and fulfill the shelter's program requirements.

Project Details

Construction: Fall 2010 - Summer 2011
Status: Completed
Budget: $950,000.00
Project Manager: Maurice Dunn