(WASHINGTON, DC) – On Wednesday, September 8, at 12:00 p.m., Mayor Muriel Bowser and DC Public Schools Chancellor Lewis D. Ferebee will join community members to cut the ribbon on the newly modernized Capitol Hill Montessori at Logan. The Mayor will visit an outdoor classroom and join students as they engage in a science-focused lesson. DCPS is investing $9 million in outdoor learning resources and other tools to support innovative in-person learning.
The $61 million renovation at Capitol Hill Montessori nearly doubled the existing school building, allowing the school to grow by an additional 100 students to accommodate nearly 500 students by the 2025-2026 school year. The project prioritized creating innovative spaces, with a focus on the outdoor classroom spaces and new play areas, including a rooftop turf play area.
Capitol Hill Montessori is the only dedicated Montessori school within DC Public Schools and has students from every ward enrolled. Capitol Hill Montessori is among many DCPS schools offering a wide range of specialized programming, including dual language, International Baccalaureate, Career Technical Education, and others.
Wednesday, September 8, at 12:00 p.m.
Mayor Muriel Bowser
Councilmember Charles Allen, Ward 6
Dr. Lewis D. Ferebee, Chancellor, DCPS
Keith A. Anderson, Director, Department of General Services
Kim Adutwum, Principal, Capitol Hill Montessori at Logan
Capitol Hill Montessori at Logan
215 G Street, NE
*Closest Metro Station: Union Station*
Press interested in attending the event are asked to RSVP to [email protected].
The DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music, and Entertainment will provide a live feed of this event to watch from a safe, virtual space. To view event online visit mayor.dc.gov/live, tune in on Channel 16 (DCN) or any of the social media platforms below.